Monday, August 16, 2010

Back to LA, the Midwest...& Reality!

We arrived back to crazy, busy LA at 9:15a. Back to reality and LA is not where you want to return after Bora Bora! Andrew repeatedly said, “this is the total opposite of where we came from!” Most couples didn’t stay over in LA on the way back, we all pretty much did the same…that is spend a few days in LA before the honeymoon. One couple from Australia actually traveled the world for their honeymoon and Bora Bora was their last stop! However, I wasn’t sure how tired we’d be or how long it’d take for us to go through customs on our way back. I booked us for Southwest (cheaper and free bags!), but one thing we did experience…is not seating together or almost not getting on our flight! Things you learn as you travel! You fly Southwest, better pay the extra for early bird check-in to reserve your seat (FYI, doesn’t mean you are assigned seats!).

Once we arrived, we found out the hotel I booked doesn’t include airport shuttle! Seriously, the internet  showed it did! But, we didn’t care anyhow…it was a pretty crappy Days Inn and pretty far away (false ad!). So we went out on a limb, cancelled the reservation, and tried to book a flight home that very same day. After walking what felt like a mile to Southwest’s gate…we find out it will cost an extra $550 just to be put on standby!!! Andrew says, “what’s the nicest hotel in town?” Meaning...we might as well stay at a 5-star hotel! Southwest gave us a “distressed passenger” voucher to book a hotel close-by and we were SO GLAD we cancelled Days Inn. For $10 more we ended up staying at a nice Holiday Inn and snuggled up comfortably into a long nap! Plus, they had 24hr free airport shuttle!! In addition, we were much closer to the airport and barely made the shuttle! We thought at 5a…there wouldn’t be many travelers out…NOT in LA!! 

Andrew acting as a distressed passenger so we can get a room...quick...or we may just crash in the lobby ;-)

We made it back to the Midwest and ready to face reality ;-)

And....we're home after hiking a couple blocks from the train station!

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