The past couple weekends have been spontaneous and eventful! Mom, cousin Ned and some of the locals in Meade Co. vs. the Harlem Wizards; postponing our Dallas trip and instead...pack in a Zoo visit, Memphis Grizzlies signing and practice, River Art Fest, hot date night, and an AWESOME estate sale that was way beyond our bank accounts!
The estate sale had all items including furniture from the 1800's! Exquisite furniture pieces hand carved! A druggest (aka Pharmacist) bought this house as a 10-year Anniversary gift for his wife!
This dining room table was $15,000 and the silver platter pieces, china, and fancy crystal candle holder - were all at least $600 - $6,000!
I LOVED this antique beautiful, but almost just as much as a car - $10,000!!
A fun free date...a day at the River Art Fest!
Our hot date night (maybe once a month) at one of our favorite Thai restaurants on another discounted gift card we usually get online!
The Memphis Grizzlies
Last Saturday morning not only started with an early breakfast in bed...but Andrew's buddy from school took us to the Grizzlies signing and practice. Boy, was it an adventure...we're thinking you have to stand in line for the players autographs and Andrew had it all planned out the night before (he's an avid sports collector) -- but only to find out they handed out 5 different colors of paper with section #'s listed. Meaning you only have 1 chance to get 1 autograph per person per player. Andrew and Thai's strategic plan was to go to Office Depot and color copy each slip (we had 3 different colors between the 3 of us and all we wanted was Iverson and Mayo's autograph). Well, come to find out...all that work, Iverson and Mayo were the 2 colors we didn't have but luckily they were able to trade 1 color each. Andrew was please to get Mayo's. We were there from 8:30a-1:30p so it was a long day. In the meantime of waiting, I go out to get Starbucks, get chased down by a woman with a mic (interviewed me for the news on Chris Rock's new movie that I had no idea about), and get put outside for 45 min. to drink my $4 pumpkin spice latte in the cold (they wouldn't let me in with outside drinks)!! NOT worth $4!!!!
On a color copy run...
Andrew found a few colors in the trash, but only the ones we already made copies of - go figure!
This guy, Thabeet -- a rookie, barely had to jump at 7ft 3in!
Since I didn't have a slip to get Iverson's autograph, I at least got a close up shot -- but later heard he was a jerk. So, we're glad we got Mayo's out of all the players ;)
Meade Co. vs. The Harlem Wizards
Mom practicing her jumpshot during warm-ups.
I cheered loud...I mean LOUD, for my MOM!!!
Mom and cousin Ned.
Once a cheerleader -- playing basketball behind some lipstick. Mom and her 4 minutes of Fame!
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