We get on Priceline since this is frequently used by the Montoyas for all their trips. Andrew types in $51 for a 3.5-4 star hotels downtown for 3 nights…Jose` gets excited since it was taking a while meaning that it’s going through. Just a little tidbit of information; If you bid for a room or airline tickets takes a while to go through then that usually means it has been accepted…CHA-CHING. It looks as though we are staying at the Hyatt Regency Riverfront! Now we’re talking! However, the downfall was $25/night for valet parking. We called and there was parking garages for $8 less than a block away.
The Montoyas have been to St. Louis before which is how we got to planning this trip. There’s so much to do there so we made a list: winery hopping, touring the Arch, Bush-Anheuser brewery, the Zoo, Cardinals game, eating out 2 nights, visiting the Hill (Italian neighborhood for shops and food), and more. I found an awesome website for anyone planning a fun trip to St. Louis: Explore St. Louis. There is literally a week’s worth of fun times! And how we were able to do all this with a tight budget…most of the events were FREE – except the game!!
I did some research before we left since I hate using the GPS. I looked up our hotel and what do you know…it’s directly facing the Arch! I immediately called Andrew to get us rooms facing the Arch. So, his ‘Dill’-in skills kicked in…he called the hotel and told them ”My wife and I are celebrating our 1st Anniversary…” They stated they would do their best but could not make any promises.
We stopped by Lamberts Throwed Rolls on the way up and boy was it a hopping and fun place…I don’t even know how to explain how much food you get! We split and still had left overs.
Day 1: Our first stop in the morning was the Busch-Anheuser Brewery tour. Andrew lucked out Friday night and parked on the street directly in front of our hotel…so we got front door service (never had to pay for parking the entire weekend downtown!). By the way, I did all the driving in town since I like to use sense of direction rather than an unreliable GPS ;) The brewery was really interesting and beautiful. We learned a lot of cool things. For instance, it was 50 degrees in the chambers and if you had a bottle an hour for 175 years, then and only then would you be able to consume the amount of beer they hold in these huge containers. Also, the chandeliers in one of the buildings, was from the 1900 World Art Fair! The Clydesdale were cool too, they weigh up to 2,000 pounds!!
Day 2: We headed out to the St. Louis Zoo in the morning. However, we did have to pay $11 for Zoo parking, but Zoo entrance…FREE!! The best part…was the penguins…they do a whopping belly flop and splash everyone during the exhibition.
We got inside and asked for directions, “up the elevators to the Cardinal Club.” Ok…”did she just say Cardinal Club?!” Our adrenaline never slows down on this trip…we get up there and the seats couldn’t have been better, plus they were FREE!! Right behind the home base front row on our level!! We kept wondering if God had a hand in this. What are the chances?!
Dave Ramsey says Andrew and I are outta control. So, last night, we paid off ALL our bills (including my hearing aids)! And yes, we shredded Andrew’s last credit card! I still have my Macy’s, but that’s all because I pay it as I use it ;)