Monday, January 19, 2009

4 Months & Still Loving It!

It’s been nearly 4 months and we are still saying, “I can’t believe we’re married!” Spending 3 ½ months apart and never seeing each other before the wedding must have paid off somehow. Sometimes we reflect on the beginning of our complicating relationship (we started out as best buds), our long engagement, and beautiful wedding and see how it was all a part of God’s perfect plan. After my 5 year relationship ended half-way in college…I never wanted a boyfriend, didn’t want to get married before 30, and not sure if I really wanted kids (although, I always wanted to adopt). God stocked Andrew up on the ingredient, patience and slowly but truly converted our friendship (after a few trial and errors) into a relationship. We truly never saw this coming. In fact, we can’t really tell you when we started dating. Needless to say, we don’t know how to be serious. We’re like 2 kids laughing and dreaming about tomorrow. Each day we learn more about each other and it’s hard for me to believe that we love each other more today than we did yesterday (I had a hard time saying the 3 words before we got married). I was not a very affectionate girlfriend and even fiancé, but marriage has changed me in so many ways I cannot explain. Waiting for my husband was the best thing I could have done for our marriage. We have so many adventures to look forward to and each day is not taken for granted. Our lives are not perfect .I always say, ‘when things are going right…something is wrong.’ Not in a negative or pessimistic sense but it seems that something always goes wrong in our daily living…and that’s okay. If you do not already know, you will see through the many stories that we share. How we somehow turn around every unpredictable, poopy, disastrous, event into a Dill moment. That’s why we’re the spunky, spontaneous, spiritual, and down-right silly Pickle Couple!

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